
Subsurface Surveying

Determination of what is underground is an often-overlooked aspect of many projects. We utilise the latest techniques and instrumentation to help make these determinations with great accuracy and reliability.
  • Utility Locating

    Conducting an underground utility survey has become an indispensable aspect of construction and services investigations. This mandatory survey accurately locates, identifies, and assesses utility services and obstacles on the building site, preventing costly damages during excavation or construction activities. With our expert analysis and survey results, clients gain valuable insights for advanced planning.

  • Non Destructive

    Pot-holing or concrete cutting can benefit any construction project. Using non-destructive subsurface locating is essential and should be prioritised by any project team. Accurate subsurface locating should always take precedence for any major project. Prevention is always better than rework which is both costly in time & resources.

  • Database Management & Visualisation

    Precise and accurate subsurface locating relies on effective data management. Major project benefits are substantial, for example, streamlined knowledge collection. Visual reporting is also vital, meeting vigorous assessment standards, reducing estimations and lowering costs.

Conducting an underground utility survey has become an indispensable aspect of construction and services investigations. This mandatory survey accurately locates, identifies, and assesses utility services and obstacles on the building site, preventing costly damages during excavation or construction activities. With our expert analysis and survey results, clients gain valuable insights for advanced planning.

Pot-holing or concrete cutting can benefit any construction project. Using non-destructive subsurface locating is essential and should be prioritised by any project team. Accurate subsurface locating should always take precedence for any major project. Prevention is always better than rework which is both costly in time & resources.

Precise and accurate subsurface locating relies on effective data management. Major project benefits are substantial, for example, streamlined knowledge collection. Visual reporting is also vital, meeting vigorous assessment standards, reducing estimations and lowering costs.

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